Etiqueta 'Mallorca tourism'
Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Majorca tourism

Balearics shattering tourist records

Tourist numbers up to October were greater - and by a considerable distance - than the 2018 record for a whole year.

Andrew Ede09/12/2023 08:09

Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa.

S@AdobeStock 22/11/2023

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca


Has anyone actually noticed that British tourism is in decline?

A cause for concern? Not necessarily, as the greatly increased number of tourists in 2023 points to growth of other markets.

Andrew Ede19/11/2023 11:43

Tourism in the Balearic Islands

Tourism in the Balearic Islands

Tourists seen on the beach.

EFE 17/11/2023

Tourism in the Balearic Islands


Tourist views welcome

“I think it is a refreshing change that the views of tourists are wanted and repected...”

Jason Moore17/11/2023 09:25

Tourist season getter better

Tourist season getter better

It seems that tourism numbers are not only as good as they were in 2019 but increasing.

J. MORA 10/11/2023