Etiqueta 'Mallorca tourism'
Real Mallorca against Granada


Mallorca's football fervour and coaching legacy

Once again Mallorca shines through in another industry and it’s remarkable when you think the population is just under one million people.

Richie Prior18/03/2024 13:57

Latest headlines

Every tourist should know where their eco-tax goes

A system enabling hotel guests to access ongoing projects via a QR code on their hotel card is being discussed.

MDB Digital17/03/2024 10:08

Real Mallorca against Granada

Real Mallorca against Granada

Real Mallorca fans at Son Moix who played against Granada.

MIQUEL A. BORRAS 16/03/2024

Playa de Palma, Mallorca


Mallorca takes Berlin; the Balearics do not

92% of German tourists in the Balearics come to Mallorca. For the UK, the percentage is far lower.

Andrew Ede10/03/2024 13:21

Playa de Palma, Mallorca


Where's the passion for improving Mallorca's mature resorts?

Investment is required in improving many resorts in comprehensive fashion rather than in piecemeal fashion.

Andrew Ede03/03/2024 14:06

There is a growing desire to charge tourists for everything and anything.

There is a growing desire to charge tourists for everything and anything.

There is a growing desire to charge tourists for everything and anything.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 01/03/2024

Tourists on the Playa de Palma

Tourists on the Playa de Palma

Tourists at the Playa de Palma.

M.A. CAÑELLAS 19/02/2024