Etiqueta 'Mallorca tourism'


Vaccine before holiday

Spanish experts and politicians fear the Minister for Tourism has jumped the gun.

Humphrey Carter04/02/2021 10:04

Passengers at airport check-in

Passengers at airport check-in

Under two million foreign tourists in 2020.

Efe 04/02/2021

Passengers at airport check-in

Majorca tourism

Balearics foreign tourism fell 87% in 2020

The Balearics would normally receive the second highest number of foreign tourists; this was not the case in 2020.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/02/2021 07:05

Antoni Noguera, the Més coordinator


Covid and tourism: What if Més were still in charge?

"When Més lost ground in the 2019 elections,...the PSOE stopped pandering Més and its tourist ambitions."

Andrew Ede03/02/2021 14:54

Marc Pérez-Ribas of Ciudadanos in the Balearics.

Marc Pérez-Ribas of Ciudadanos in the Balearics.

Marc Pérez-Ribas of Ciudadanos.

@ParlamentIB 02/02/2021

Mallorca beach at Easter in late March

Mallorca beach at Easter in late March

On the beach in late March 2012.

Pilar Pellicer 02/02/2021

Thomas Cook Aviation Balearics.

Latest headlines

Thomas Cook Aviation Balearics closing

‘Brexit’ and the pandemic have placed the entire European aviation industry at a complex crossroads.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/02/2021 09:29

President Armengol of the Balearics with Vicent Mari, president of the Council of Ibiza

President Armengol of the Balearics with Vicent Mari, president of the Council of Ibiza

President Armengol with Vicent Mari, president of the Council of Ibiza.

Arguiñe Escandón 01/02/2021

Reyes Maroto, Spain's tourism minister

Reyes Maroto, Spain's tourism minister

Reyes Maroto, hopeful of some tourism at Easter.

Efe 31/01/2021

President Francina Armengol of the Balearics

President Francina Armengol of the Balearics

President Armengol understands people's uncertainties and despair.

Teresa Ayuga 31/01/2021

Passengers checking in for a Palma flight

Passengers checking in for a Palma flight

More fears being expressed about the tourism season.

Efe 29/01/2021