Etiqueta 'Mallorca weather'
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
A high of 25.4 on Boxing Day; Tuesday's highs forecast to be a bit lower.
Christmas Day weather in Mallorca
Getting towards a high of 25C on Christmas Eve; could well be repeated on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve's weather in Mallorca
Some mist likely, but otherwise a generally fine and warm Christmas Eve.
Christmas on the beach in Mallorca?
People have already started their Christmas holidays on the beach in Spain.

Hottest year since records began in the Balearics.
Hottest year since records began in the Balearics.
Balearics set for a warm winter
2022 will most likely end as the warmest year on record in the Balearics.
Monday's weather in Mallorca
More by way of cloud on Monday; outlook to Christmas Day is good.
Beach weather for Christmas in Mallorca
"Top temperature of 19 degrees Centigrade is being forecast...."
Saturday's weather in Mallorca
A very calm Saturday; should be some decent amounts of sun.
Mallorca could be heading for a tropical Christmas
“At night, it is warmer than during the day”