Etiqueta 'PSOE'


Spain’s right wing crisis

If the Spanish PM was worried about his political standings, he’s laughing now.

Humphrey Carter12/03/2021 12:34

Pedro Sánchez, speaking at PSOE headquarters

Pedro Sánchez, speaking at PSOE headquarters

Pedro Sánchez, speaking on Saturday.


Santiago Abascal, the leader of Vox


Opinion poll indicates gains for Spain's right

Last week's no-confidence debate highlighted major differences between the Partido Popular and Vox.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/10/2020 11:41

Galicia propone uso obligatorio de mascarilla para alumnos de más de 6 años

The Blog

Galicia - Moderation in everything

One of Spain’s more respected politicians, Feijóo’s name has been put forward (not by himself) to be leader of the PP nationally.

Andrew Ede08/09/2020 15:22


Coalition crisis

“Pedro Sanchez is literally caught between a rock and a hard place...”

Jason Moore06/12/2019 09:14


Real deal

“Sanchez could have avoided calling another general election...”

Jason Moore13/11/2019 09:49

Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez


Spain's Podemos dismissive of acting PM's minority government proposal

Acting prime minister Pedro Sánchez failed last week in his bid to be confirmed as premier.

Reuters02/08/2019 12:17

Spanish politics


Spain's socialists rise above 40%, poll shows

PSOE are at 41.3%, well up from the 28.7% share of the vote that they obtained at the April election.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter31/07/2019 13:50

Parliament in Madrid today


Spain's Sanchez loses first bid to be confirmed as PM

If Sanchez is not confirmed as prime minister on Thursday, further votes could be held in September.

Belén Carreño and Ingrid Melander23/07/2019 14:52

Bel Busquets, insisting on Més representation in government.


No "blank cheque" from Més

There were tensions between PSOE and Més over tourism, in particular once Bel Busquets became minister.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/06/2019 07:11


You decide: Vote 2019

Bulletin brings together the principal parties in the local election campaign with each party producing a two minute video in English on why you should vote for them.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter20/05/2019 10:11

The poll suggests that Francina Armengol will still be president after the election.


PSOE and left pact on course for election win

The forecast from the opinion poll is that the three parties of the left will get at least 31 seats; the majority is 30.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/05/2019 17:08

Francina Armengol and Pedro Sánchez.


Sánchez priorities coincide with those of the Balearics

The Balearics, PSOE believe, provide a "valid model" for a left-wing national government pact.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/06/2018 00:00

A Merry Christmas from the government, but not everything is merry behind the scenes.


A government Merry Christmas overshadowed by Podemos crisis

The government parties, PSOE and Més, are indignant about the handling of Podemos's internal crisis.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/12/2016 00:00

President Armengol has all along sought to distance herself from a Rajoy investiture.


Balearic government under pressure following Rajoy investiture decision

Podemos may press demands, such as an increase to the tourist tax, in return for continuing to support the Balearic government.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/10/2016 00:00

President Armengol, Vice-President Barceló and presidents of the island councils in Formentera today.


Balearic parties react to Sánchez resignation

Armengol insisted that the party must maintain its "no" to the investiture of Mariano Rajoy as prime minister.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/10/2016 00:00

PSOE's Andreu Alcover and Bel Oliver defended Pedro Sánchez's attempt to form a government.


PSOE election results add pressure on the Balearic government

The PP said that President Armengol has "deceived" Sánchez into believing that he can create a political pact like that in the Balearics.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/09/2016 00:00

Would not spending on promotion reduce tourist numbers? The budget for promotion is very low in any event.


Scrapping tourism promotion is not an option

Podemos have proposed that there should be no promotion of tourism to the islands in order to stop "saturation".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/09/2016 00:00

The PSOE socialists are in an awkward position regarding the Fornalutx bull-run.

Animal welfare

Armengol on the spot over Fornalutx bull-run ban

Some PSOE members do not understand how the Minorcan horse fiestas can be exempted and not the bull-run.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/06/2016 00:00