Etiqueta 'Palma Cathedral'
Light show at Palma's Cathedral

Light show at Palma's Cathedral

Light show at Palma's Cathedral.

PERE BOTA 28/09/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Visitors enjoying the first day the terraces were open to the public.

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Numerous visitors took advantage of the first day of the opening of the terraces.

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Views of the Cathedral's surroundings

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

The visit offers great panoramic views.

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

The clear day made it possible to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the city.

Julian Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Spectacular view of the Parc de la Mar and the bay of Palma.

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Several visitors under the arches of the terraces.

Julian Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Image of the imposing rose window of the Cathedral.

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

Arch of the terraces

Julián Aguirre 04/05/2023

Palma Cathedral terraces

Palma Cathedral terraces

More than 800 people open the season on the terraces of the Cathedral.

J. AGUIRRE 03/05/2023

Palma Cathedral, Mallorca

Palma Cathedral, Mallorca

22C forecast for Palma on Tuesday.

Patricia Lozano 17/04/2023

Palma Cathedral, Mallorca

Palma Cathedral, Mallorca

Cloudless skies for much of Mallorca.

Archive 07/04/2023

Palma Cathedral


The crack of dawn

When you live and work somewhere, you often take your surroundings for granted.

Peter Clover03/03/2023 13:50

Palma Cathedral

Palma Cathedral

Palma is empty early in the morning by Palma Cathedral.

T. AYUGA 03/03/2023