Etiqueta 'Palma Mallorca'
Carnival in Palma Mallorca

Latest headlines

Brilliant sunshine for Palma's big carnival parade

The last 'Sa Rua' in Palma was in 2020. If you missed it, you can watch the video highlights here!

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/02/2023 17:32

Scene of Palma, Mallorca

Scene of Palma, Mallorca

Problems with housing aren't just confined to Palma.

Archive 19/02/2023

José Hila, the mayor of Palma Mallorca, with other town hall councillors

Majorca tourism

Palma calling for greater control of illegal holiday lets

Supreme Court ruling on tourist apartment lets "a great victory", but more needs to be done to stop illegal letting.

Andrew Ede08/02/2023 16:10