Etiqueta 'Palma Mallorca'
People walking on Calle Sant Feliu in Palma, Mallorca

People walking on Calle Sant Feliu in Palma, Mallorca

In general, profit from rented properties has fallen.

Jaume Morey 12/04/2021

Empty shopping street in Palma, Mallorca

Empty shopping street in Palma, Mallorca

The furlough scheme has been essential.

Teresa Ayuga 03/04/2021

Palma, Mallorca

Palma, Mallorca

Active cases have risen in Palma.

Archive 29/03/2021

Palma, Mallorca

Palma, Mallorca

A programme to increase the availability of properties to rent in Palma.

Archive 20/03/2021

Palma, Mallorca

Palma, Mallorca

Sales were down in all regions except one.

A. S. 19/03/2021

Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Spain's tourists represent Mallorca's third largest market.

Pere Bota 09/03/2021