Etiqueta 'Palma Son Sant Joan airport'
Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Anticipation that the total number of tourists in 2022 will be on a par with 2019.

Miquel À. Cañellas 13/10/2022

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Holidaymakers arriving at the airport were sometimes faced with a lack of taxis.

Gemma Marchena 11/10/2022

Holidaymakers arriving at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Holidaymakers arriving at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Reactivation of foreign tourism has been more or less total.

Laura Becerra 04/10/2022

Flight information board at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Flight information board at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Strikes were one ingredient that caused flight disruption.

Teresa Ayuga 30/09/2022

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

There have been warnings about next year's tourism for several weeks.

Pilar Pellicer 29/09/2022

Planes at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Planes at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Palma has the third highest percentage of continuous descent.


Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

The assault occurred after the plane landed.

Archive 19/09/2022

Holidaymakers arriving at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Holidaymakers arriving at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Covid measures, while not completely abandoned, have been relaxed.

Teresa Ayuga 13/09/2022

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

A repeat of 2022 is not anticipated in 2023.

Juan Luis Ruiz Collado 28/08/2022

Opponents of airport expansion in Palma, Mallorca

Opponents of airport expansion in Palma, Mallorca

Opponents of airport expansion outside the offices of the Spanish government's delegation.

Jaume Morey 26/08/2022

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Airport passenger numbers have been slightly down on 2019's.

Miquel À. Cañellas 25/08/2022