Etiqueta 'Palma airport in Mallorca'
Long queues at at the airport.

Latest headlines

"Massive queues" for British travellers at Palma airport

The Balearic Government constantly talk about the importance of ‘extending the season’ and the significance of winter tourism. They should put their money where their mouth is and sort this mess out."

Jason Moore28/11/2022 08:53

Latest headlines

Mallorca to lose key British airport, Doncaster to close

"The Prime Minister, Liz Truss, said herself she wanted to protect Doncaster airport..."

Jason Moore27/09/2022 16:00

Latest headlines

Spanish airport operator makes a small fortune

Aena reiterated it expects traffic at its airports to rise by 75% and 85% of 2019 levels, although it said airlines had reduced its summer capacity to 200 million passengers down from a previously announced 216 million.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/07/2022 09:47

Flying to Palma de Mallorca


The highs and lows of flying to Mallorca

You will see what to expect from checking in for your flight, to going through airline security and then landing in Palma.

Alex Smith07/07/2022 11:25


Flying low in Europe. The latest developments

Strikes and staff shortages are forcing airlines to cancel thousands of flights and causing hours-long queues at major airports,

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/06/2022 15:24

“Important chinks in the security armour at Palma airport have been exposed.”


Airport security

“Important chinks in the security armour at Palma airport have been exposed.”

Jason Moore11/11/2021 10:17

It took just 20 minutes from walking of the air bridge to clearing passport control

Majorca tourism

"Full marks to Palma airport, it's great to be back in Mallorca"

Some travellers and Bulletin readers have reported no problems and have been impressed by how the airport is handling the new protocol.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/07/2021 11:56

Palma Airport

Palma Airport

Palma Airport.

P. PELLICER 26/06/2021

The plane was heading to Alicante from Palma

The plane was heading to Alicante from Palma

The plane was heading to Alicante from Palma.

Youtube Última Hora 07/06/2021

We’ve had the traffic light review, now it’s time for ministers to keep quiet

We’ve had the traffic light review, now it’s time for ministers to keep quiet

We’ve had the traffic light review, now it’s time for ministers to keep quiet

MORELL - kf - EFE - EFE 25/05/2021

People walk towards departure doors at Son Sant Joan airport in Palma de Mallorca

People walk towards departure doors at Son Sant Joan airport in Palma de Mallorca

People walk towards departure doors at Son Sant Joan airport, amidst the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Palma.

ENRIQUE CALVO 31/03/2021