Etiqueta 'Palma'
Sarah at the last evening event/talk on Oscar Wilde with Simon Whitehouse, their speaker from London.


A new dawn for The Arts Society Mallorca

“ Now we have the new venue, I think we can reinvigorate the society which suffered a bit as a result of the pandemic and Brexit. We want to put all that behind us and look to a new bright future and appeal to a wider audience.”

Humphrey Carter27/09/2023 09:25

Britons under the spotlight again.

Britons under the spotlight again.

Britons under the spotlight again.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 25/09/2023

One of the stickers on the window of a real estate office in Palma.

One of the stickers on the window of a real estate office in Palma.

One of the stickers on the window of a real estate office in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 30/08/2023

The Mallorca travel industry was worried about the impact of a strike at Gatwick.

The Mallorca travel industry was worried about the impact of a strike at Gatwick.

The Mallorca travel industry was worried about the impact of a strike at Gatwick.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 20/07/2023