Etiqueta 'Queen's College school'
Queen's College plants


Queen’s College Year 1 Science investigating plants

Plants are really important for our planet and for all living things.

Queen's College06/05/2021 09:49

the lives of the small creatures

The lives of the small creatures

the lives of the small creatures

Queen's College 03/05/2021

the lives of the small creatures


Queen’s College Reception children investigating minibeasts

They have been drawing and painting the minibeasts and using their sketches to recreate their shapes in plasticine and collage.

Queen's College30/04/2021 14:13

the Nursery curriculum


Queen’s College first steps

The children learn about sharing, being kind and becoming resilient through daily tasks in an environment of support and acceptance.

Queen's College21/04/2021 11:30

the Nursery curriculum

The Nursery curriculum

the Nursery curriculum

Queen's College 20/04/2021

It was a MAGICAL day!

It was a MAGICAL day!

It was a MAGICAL day!

Queen's College 15/04/2021