Etiqueta 'Queen's College school'
Queen's College Graduation

Queen's College Graduation

Queen's College Graduation

Queen's College 05/07/2021

Queen's College Graduation


Good luck year 6 - we will miss you!

Moving on into the secondary department is a big step - but a very exciting one; the Year 6 class of 2021 are ready to make this leap!

Queen's College05/07/2021 15:38

The pupils were highly engaged

The pupils were highly engaged

The pupils were highly engaged

Queen's College 24/06/2021

The pupils were highly engaged


News from Queen’s College

The Key Stage 2 pupils at Queen’s College participated this year in Save The Med’s Changemaker Junior Project.

Queen's College24/06/2021 15:39

The pupils had great fun getting together costumes

The pupils had great fun getting together costumes

The pupils had great fun getting together costumes

Queen's College 11/06/2021

The pupils had great fun getting together costumes


News from Queen’s College

The pupils had great fun getting together costumes - especially when they had to dress up as teachers!

Queen's College11/06/2021 13:32

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso


News from Queen’s College

The Nursery children have been learning about “people who help us”.

Queen's College04/06/2021 15:54

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso

Queen's College 04/06/2021