Etiqueta 'Queen's College school'

Queen's College Graduation
Queen's College Graduation
Good luck year 6 - we will miss you!
Moving on into the secondary department is a big step - but a very exciting one; the Year 6 class of 2021 are ready to make this leap!

The pupils were highly engaged
The pupils were highly engaged
News from Queen’s College
The Key Stage 2 pupils at Queen’s College participated this year in Save The Med’s Changemaker Junior Project.

The pupils had great fun getting together costumes
The pupils had great fun getting together costumes
News from Queen’s College
The pupils had great fun getting together costumes - especially when they had to dress up as teachers!
News from Queen’s College
The Nursery children have been learning about “people who help us”.

This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso
This term Year 4 has been studying paintings by Picasso