Etiqueta 'Restaurants in Majorca'
The stuffed mussels were most refreshing

Food and drink

Eat Peruvian when the heatwave is on in Palma

The traditional dishes have names that don’t mean anything to most of us, but each one comes with a little description of the ingredients.

Andrew Valente07/07/2022 14:13

Frankie's is inspired by the famous Californian diners, the kitchen is open every day from 9.30am to 11.30pm


Enjoy the best American cuisine at Frankie's

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of an authentic American diner.

20/07/2022 11:01

Perfect destination to chill

Son Matias Beach, Palma Nova

The Olive Tree

Highest quality, organic locally sourced produce

Laura Stadler16/04/2022 08:25

Front line beach restaurant

Son Matias Beach, Palma Nova

Origin Superfood Garden

Innovative tasty food prepared with garden-fresh ingredients

Laura Stadler16/04/2022 08:24

“Difficult times call for difficult decisions in the Balearics...”


Stamp of approval

“Difficult times call for difficult decisions in the Balearics...”

Jason Moore25/11/2021 10:28

Perfect place to meet

Portals Nous

Secret Garden

Enjoy hearty food and a welcoming service

Laura Stadler28/01/2022 11:15

Chez Nous restaurant


Chez Nous

Authentic French Restaurant is one to keep up your sleeve when you are in Palma.

Laura Stadler18/02/2022 11:12

Also maintaining their core bistro menu with old favourites

Also maintaining their core bistro menu with old favourites

Also maintaining their core bistro menu with old favourites.

Laura Stadler 04/02/2022