Etiqueta 'United Airlines'
United Airlines flight to Palma

United Airlines flight to Palma

United Airlines flight to Palma.

R.L. 19/07/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

Passengers descending from the flight.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First passengers are greeted upon arrival.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

Passengers from a United Airlines flight from New York land at Palma aiport.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

Passengers were given Mallorcan bags and salt.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

Passengers are seen descending from the plane and taking the bus to the terminal.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

A Guardia Civil member awaits the flight.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

First direct New York to Palma flight lands

Moment the flight landed on Mallorca.

miquel a. canellas 03/06/2022

United Airlines planes

United Airlines planes

United will be flying direct to Palma until September.

Archive 29/05/2022

United Airlines and Balearic travel agency representatives met in Palma, Mallorca

United Airlines and Balearic travel agency representatives met in Palma, Mallorca

United Airlines and Balearic travel agency representatives met in Palma.


United Airlines planes

United Airlines planes

United Airlines flights to Palma start in June.

Timothy Fadek 08/05/2022