Palma Police have fined around 100 drivers over the last few years, for parking by the departure and arrivals’ areas of Son Sant Joan Airport.

Palma.—The majority of them were applied to drivers parked by the arrival gates, an area where  airport authority (AENA) has said it’s forbidden to park.
The information was revealed yesterday by Palma Police Inspector Miquel Quetglas, who added that the departure area is also a hot spot, since drivers can only park for 5 to 10 minutes and without leaving their vehicle.
Fines ranged between 90 and 200 euros, the latter only applied when drivers park in a taxi and bus  parking bay.
The inspector did explain that in most cases police officers warn the driver and only in cases where drivers refuse to leave or are not even in the vehicle that they then proceed with the sanctions.
On occasions, although, the inspector reinforced the idea that “it’s not a normal occurrence” some vehicles had to be towed away.