
From the world's battlefields to the beaches of Majorca

The Three Peak Challenge in the Tramuntana is a further reason for servicemen to come to Majorca.


Next Saturday, the first of the final two groups of British servicemen and women who have been wounded on active service, most of them in Afghanistan or Iraq, will be arriving on the island with their partners for a week’s holiday. This is part of the extensive programme The Nor Forgotten Association has been organising for wounded veterans of all ages for nearly 100 years.

The NFA has been bringing four to five groups of veterans to Majorca for the past six years. Wounded to varying degrees, with post-traumatic stress disorder or amputations, they have been coming through an association with the Majorca Daily Bulletin and a very generous British resident who offered her large finca in the north of island to the NFA. She will again be opening her doors to the veterans for the last two weeks of this month.

Over the years, a number of members of the local community, be they British or Majorcan, have offered their services. Now, the veterans and their partners have access to a host of activities to enjoy, be they on land or on the water.

In addition, a number of local bars always give them a good night out. As does Margaret Whittaker OBE, the owner of Mood Beach and Son Amar who, over the years, has always invited the groups as her guests to a wonderful night out at Son Amar.

This first group includes serving and former servicemen from regiments including the Royal Marines, the Black Watch, a former Commando who was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for bravery in Afghanistan, 2 Scots and The Rifles. They have all served in theatres from the Falklands to N. Ireland, Bosnia, Kenya, the Middle East, Sierra Leone, not to mention Iraq and Afghanistan. All are still undergoing rehabilitation for their wounds sustained - mental and physical. Some have been before and cannot wait to get back because of the boost Majorca gives them.

The second group are coming on a mission and that is to complete the newly created Three Peak Challenge - hiking and climbing in the Tramuntana mountains.

If you would like to help, please contact me at the Bulletin.