Etiqueta 'Not Forgotten Association'


Turn to military veterans

I know scores of wounded UK military veterans who would jump at the chance to help.

Humphrey Carter28/03/2020 11:48

Alex Brewer.


"The Not Forgotten Association does exactly that, it makes sure we're not forgotten"

Interview with former Royal Marine Alex Brewer who stood on an Improvised Explosive Device while on foot patrol in Afghanistan.

Humphrey Carter16/06/2019 10:55

Sergeant Stu Parker


"At 6.30pm on 23 August 2007, my life changed"

Interview with Sergeant Stu Parker who was critically wounded in Afghanistan in the worst case of friendly fire since 1991 in the Gulf War

Humphrey Carter25/04/2018 00:00

One of the groups which trained in the Tramuntana to climb Kilimanjaro.


British war veterans coming to Majorca for a change of scene

Members of the armed forces who saw action in The Falklands, Northern Ireland and Gulf 91 will be arriving on the island at the end of this month.

Humphrey Carter02/04/2018 00:00

Servicemen supported by the Not Forgotten Association trekking in Majorca.


Best foot forward for British military veterans

The third and final group of physically or mentally wounded British military veterans have been enjoying some well-earned rest and recuperation in Majorca this week.

Humphrey Carter12/10/2017 00:00

British service men and women at Son Amar.


Majorca pays tribute to British troops

For the seventh year running the Not Forgotten Association has been bringing groups of British forces veterans to Majorca.

Humphrey Carter21/09/2017 00:00

British war veterans during the Three Peaks Challenge


British war veterans conquer the Tramuntana

"I was hit twice in the stomach, once in the side and then blown up by a hand grenade."

Humphrey Carter30/09/2016 00:00

The Three Peak Challenge in the Tramuntana is a further reason for servicemen to come to Majorca.


From the world's battlefields to the beaches of Majorca

Two groups of British servicemen and women who have been wounded on active service will be arriving on the island with their partners for a week’s holiday.

Humphrey Carter10/09/2016 00:00

John (left) received the Legion d’Honneur from the French Government this year.


From Juno Beach to Majorca

"A few years back, there did seem to be a bit of apathy towards the armed forces. However, over the past few years, on Remembrance Day, we have noticed the number of the general public coming out to support us grow significantly."

Humphrey Carter08/11/2015 00:00

A big thank you to Majorca


A big thank you to Majorca

The group of wounded war veterans who trained on the island to climb Kilimanjaro want to thank Majorca..

Humphrey Carter10/10/2015 00:00

From the Tramuntana to Mount Kilimanjaro


From the Tramuntana to Mount Kilimanjaro

The group was one of four which the Not Forgotten Association brings out to the island every year.

Humphrey Carter01/10/2015 00:00

Former Royal Marine Chris Last on one of his many charity challenges.

Latest headlines

Mallorca playing a key role in making sure British military veterans remember they are not forgotten

“I would recommend a career in the forces to any young person. It transformed my life. It offers so many opportunities to travel, to learn, to train, and you establish life-long friendships. And looking around the world right now, it’s a crucial time to be investing in the armed forces.”

Humphrey Carter18/09/2024 12:06