According to the Hamburger Morgen Post newspaper in two years, by the summer of 2025, Germans will able to stay at home will be able stay at home and enjoy a good vacation in the new tourism complex that is being built in Grömitz, a town located in northern Germany on the Baltic coast.
According to its promoters it boasts as a paradise of dunes, a water park, restaurants, shops and a whole array of services designed for the enjoyment of visitors. But, not everyone sees it that way. There are those who are worried that the area could change, give in to mass tourism and that a holiday in the Baltic will cease to be synonymous with relaxation and tranquility.

In their own words, they fear that it will become the “German Mallorca”.
In its official website, it states, “The Baltic coast especially Grömitz is a destination for families and couples, for those who want to enjoy and discover. Grömitz is one of the most important health resorts located in the heart of the Lübeck Bay featuring a beautiful and fine white sandy beach of 8 km with a boardwalk of 3,5 km and a 398 m long pleasure boat pier.
You will find there lots of accommodation at all prices and standards, 9 camp sites and a harbour with 780 anchorages.
For your entertainment we provide the Grömitzer Welle - a leisure swimming centre with a sea-water wave pool and a wide range of sauna and wellness facilities, a Zoo, an Indoor-Fun-Park for kids, a championship golf course,” it’s also very popular with golfers but there are fears that could all be about to change.
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Richard PearsonSince when is it necessary that this site suddenly need every comment to be criticised if the English language is not totally correct. Maybe use some "artistic license" to get the gist of the comments?
Richard PearsonWhy are you repeating what I wrote? I wrote those two ‘phrases’ on two separate lines. What exactly is wrong with that? The MDB inserted JW’s name in front of the first one. Also, in case you wonder why I might be ‘nit picking’ (isn’t that what you English first language people say?) it’s because JW criticised someone else’s English the other day, someone for whom English is a second language, when he can’t even spell basic English himself. He always writes ‘there’ instead of ‘their’ and makes many more spelling mistakes in his comments, including suggesting ‘inslaving’ (sic) the lady whose English he criticised!!
Marvin Le MartianOr Bombay, Hong Kong and Singapore not to mention Monaco, Biarritz and closer to home Brighton and Sandbanks.
SaraUsed to ; their money.
Sounds like a Centre Park complex. On the Baltic coast? And called Gromitz? Good luck with that. There is a myth about that Germany attempted to buy Mallorca to make it the “siebzehntes bundesland” but it is that: a myth. What is a fact is that Britain “owned” Menorca for 100 years, but thankfully before tourism became a thing otherwise Mao, Mahon and Ciudadela might have turned out more like Clacton, Blackpool or Skegness! There’s a thought to splutter into your Gin and Tonic.
siebzehntes bundesland
James Walkerused to their money
I think eventually the cost of Mallorca will see this type of tourist leave. It's very expensive now for a week for lager drinkers and the average family. You don't see much for your money like you used too. It's becoming more of a haven for the affluent. I'm sure there money will be welcomed elsewhere.
The press is too quick off the mark to brand nationalities as being one homogeneous group. The Germans, The Brits, The French, etc. I'm British but I haven't an ounce of affinity with the British louts that come to Mallorca to drink to excess, cause trouble, pick fights, etc. So lumping me in with them is as wrong as saying, for example, that all Dubai nationals are rich. Some are; some aren't. So no, not all nationals are alike and no, not all Germans will abandon Mallorca. All we can hope is that the "good" Germans will continue to visit and the "bad" Germans won't. That would be the perfect result.
Perhaps you could tell us the average summer water temperature in Gromitz. And amongst all the attractions where will we find Wallace ?