Never mind early bar closing, now menu of the day at threat in Mallorca

New work and health laws posing threat to hospitality sector

Changes looming for the menu of the day format. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


British tourists are already getting worried about early bar closing in Mallorca as a result of the Spanish government’s desire to reduce the working week, now the good of menu of the day is at threat.

The Interterritorial Health Council, made up of doctors and other health professionals, has suggested that alcohol be dropped from the format for Spain’s famous menu of the day.

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Traditionally, a menu of the day comes with a choice of glass of beer or wine.
It is not that long ago that a full bottle of wine would be included along with water as well.

However, with Spain considering tighter restrictions on smoking as part of a new health bill, the drive to encourage healthier eating is gathering momentum.

Already there is talk of the price of alcohol being increased and bars and restaurants fear that any such move by the government will only turn business away, along with earlier closing hours.