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Make sure your passports are in order to avoid any last minute disappointments.


UK travel document reminder if heading for Mallorca

Border guards will check you’re complying with the 90-day visa-free limit for short stays in the Schengen area.

Humphrey Carter02/04/2024 09:51

The chair of LibDems in Europe, the party for members of the UK Liberal Democrats living in Europe (outside of France), Dave Sapiro


The LibDems want MPs for overseas constituents and an easing of the 90-day rule

"The Withdrawal Agreement failed to take into account the situation and the needs of the millions of British citizens working and living overseas."

Humphrey Carter14/03/2024 15:16

the Labour Party has made it clear that it wants to see a greater level of freedom of movement within the EU for Britons,


“The Labour Party has made it clear that it wants to see a greater level of freedom of movement”

“Solving the 90-day problem works both ways, it’s good for the UK and it’s beneficial for Spain and France, for example, not to mention the rest of the EU.”

Humphrey Carter01/03/2024 11:11