Mallorca scandal over politicians selling houses to foreigners

Party accuses the media of blowing things out of proportion

The coordinator of Més, a progressive Mallorcan nationalist party, Lluís Apesteguia | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The coordinator of Més, the Mallorcan nationalist party, Lluís Apesteguia, has asked the media to reflect on how they treat the private lives of politicians following the controversy related to his party’s spokesperson at the Council of Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora. He has been singled out by certain media outlets for alleged political inconsistency when he sold the house where he lived with his former wife to foreigners.

“If someone benefits from his political activity, obviously this should be totally rejected, just as if it benefits a third party. But if there has been no benefit, no.” Apesteguia regretted that he to has been criticised on social media because his mother had sold a house to a foreigner. Yet she had been at a demonstration against overcrowding. “I had nothing to do with the sale and I have made no profit of any kind,” he said.

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“I don’t make it a rule to comment on the private lives of politicians," he said when asked about his party colleague. Alzamora defends limiting the sale of homes to non-residents of the Balearics. The buyers of his house, despite being foreigners, are residents, and do not rent it out for tourism, several sources have said.

Alzamora is building a swimming pool in his new home and that this apparently contradicts his party's stance. However, Més are calling for restrictions on rustic land. Alzamora's house is in the centre of a village.   

“Més talks about non-residents, I would never discriminate against anyone based on their nationality; that is what some parties do, which are supported by some media,” said Apesteguia, referring to hard right party Vox and the media that has written about Alzamora.