Spanish police and Guardia Civil launch new app to keep Britons safe

Foreign Office urges Brits heading to Spain to ‘lock all doors and windows’

The new Spanish police and Guardia Civil website is in English. | Guardia Civil


With the Easter holidays on the horizon and then the summer season to come, British holidaymakers planning a trip to Spain are being advised to stay vigilant as the FCDO has issued fresh safety guidance, alerting tourists to potential criminal activities. The FCDO has highlighted “new information about the mobile app ALERT COPS” for those visiting Spain.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has announced: “Be alert to the risk of street crime. Thieves use distraction techniques and often work in teams. Take care of your passports, money and personal belongings, particularly when collecting or checking in luggage at the airport, and while arranging car hire.

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“Do not carry all your valuables in one place. Keep a copy of the photo page of your passport somewhere safe. Make sure your accommodation has adequate security. Keep all doors and windows locked. If you’re concerned about the security of your accommodation, speak to your travel operator or the property owner. The Spanish Police and Civil Guard have a mobile app which offers a number of services, including simple and discreet communication with police forces if you experience or witness a crime – more information can be found on the ALERT COPS webpage.”

Vehicle crime
‘Highway pirates’ target foreign-registered and hire cars, especially those towing caravans. They may flag you down, claiming there is something wrong with your car or that you have damaged theirs. If you decide to stop to check the condition of a vehicle, stop in a public area with lights, such as a service station. Be wary of anyone offering help.

When driving, be wary of approaches from people posing as plainclothes police in unmarked cars. In all traffic-related matters, police officers will usually be in uniform. Unmarked police vehicles have a flashing electronic sign on the rear window saying ‘Policía’ or ‘Guardia Civil’. Genuine police will only ask you to show vehicle documents – not to hand over your bag or wallet.