Etiqueta '12 Tenors in concert'
The 12 Tenors are considered one of the most successful tenor groups in the world

Twelve voices with a “boyband feel”

The Three Tenors - Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti - started it all off in 1990, since when other tenors’ combinations have come along.

11/05/2025 at Palma's Auditorium
The 12 Tenors are considered one of the most successful tenor groups in the world

The 12 Tenors are considered one of the most successful tenor groups in the world

The 12 Tenors are considered one of the most successful tenor groups in the world.

R.C. 11/04/2024

Trailer 12 Tenors from Merkers mine

Tenors with a Wham! connection coming to Palma

Spirit Productions (Worldwide) Limited has a perhaps surprising base - the High Street in Bushey, Hertfordshire.

12/04/2024 at Palma's Auditorium
The 12 Tenors in Palma

The 12 Tenors in Palma

The 12 Tenors in concert at Palma's Auditorium.

S. AMENGUAL 04/05/2022