Etiqueta 'Brexit and Britain'

Brexit and the European Union
Brexit and the European Union
Polls |
10/12/2020 12:23
Do you think Brexit will disrupt your holiday plans to Mallorca?
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550 votes

Pro EU campaigners demonstrate outside parliament in London
Pro EU campaigners demonstrate outside parliament in London.
No deal 'Brexit' causing concern in Mallorca
"The transitional period ends in two and a half months and we know nothing about bilateral economic and customs agreements.."
“Surely Brexit can wait for just a little longer. It is very sensible to leave now...”
EU citizens warned over missing Brexit residency deadline
Most EU citizens will need some form of prior permission from the government to remain in Britain.
Boris has blown it
The PM took two major hits yesterday from the Supreme Court and the EU, so give up.
Which way do you turn?
Political U-turns, come on, who knows which way to turn right now?
Humphrey Carter23/12/2020 10:40