Vaccinating the whole population would cost the same as Balearic TV station, says Campos
Calls for vaccination programme to be enlarged and enhanced.
25 cases of "British strain" of coronavirus in Balearics
"267 cases across Spain...."
Christmas is off
As Armengol has said: Be Good this Christmas and we will all be able to celebrate Christmas together next year. Let us hope that she is right.
Christmas is called off in Alcudia
While this means what is sounds like, suspended, there is little chance of the health situation improving so quickly that the suspension is lifted.

President ARmengol made a passionate plea yesterday for people to stay safe
President ARmengol made a passionate plea yesterday for people to stay safe.

Barbara Rebassa, the mayor of Alcudia
Barbara Rebassa, the mayor of Alcudia.

The establishments will need to install a CO2 metres to check for correct ventilation
Establishments will need to instal CO2 meters to check for correct ventilation.
Slight increase in Balearics coronavirus hospital admissions
The positive test rate is up a little.
Further fall in Balearics positive test rate
The number of tests reported on a Monday is always lower than on other days. Check the figures by municipality.
Food & Fosh
The future of tapas
Tapas can be as simple as you make them says our Bulletin chef Marc Fosh.
Increase in coronavirus incidence in the Balearics
The cumulative incidence per 100,000 has risen by 52 in the past seven days.
Light at the end of the tunnel?
“There could be light at the end of the tunnel with the number of cases on the island dropping....”
Jason Moore25/01/2021 09:47