Etiqueta 'Dating in modern times'

How do people meet up romantically nowadays without someone being arrested for harassment?
How do people meet up romantically nowadays without someone being arrested for harassment?
Mallorca goes bananas over supermarket dating!
Some stores have been forced to introduce more security.
- Ryanair changes its hand luggage and check-in rules
- Open letter: Please do not come on holiday to Mallorca
- Tourist replies to our open letter calling on holidaymakers to stay at home
- EU sues Spain for discriminatory tax treatment of non-residents
- "We must be very careful with the things we say"; Mallorca transport operators' concern about messages to tourists
Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? - Well, on an online dating site actually Juliet!
How do people meet up romantically nowadays without someone being arrested for harassment?
Frank Leavers14/02/2021 12:04