Etiqueta 'Illegal building'
Building on rural land in Mallorca

Building on rural land in Mallorca

Many of the buildings date back decades.

M. Serra 18/06/2024

Building on rural land in Mallorca

Latest headlines

Amnesty for illegal buildings in Mallorca will come into effect in days

This is for buildings on so-called rustic land. One estimate suggests that there are as many as 30,000 buildings.

Andrew Ede18/06/2024 08:26

Illegal building in Mallorca

Illegal building in Mallorca

Illegal work can range from whole buildings to extensions and pools.

Consell de Mallorca 15/04/2024

Building work without permission in Mallorca

Building work without permission in Mallorca

The building work is in the Caló Solimina area.


An illegal building in Mallorca's countryside that was demolished

An illegal building in Mallorca's countryside that was demolished

One illegal building that was demolished.

Archive 26/09/2021

Illegal work in Felanitx that the agency discovered.


Anonymity boosts complaints about illegal building

Since the end of February, it has been possible to make complaints about illegal building without giving a name.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/04/2019 19:20