Etiqueta 'Life in Mallorca'
People seen dining outdoors

People seen dining outdoors

People seen dining outdoors.

paco sturla 11/06/2024

Shady Pine Walk in Puerto Pollensa

Shady Pine Walk in Puerto Pollensa

Shady Pine Walk was an abundant avenue of lush, evergreen pines, dipping their arched branches across the paved pathway into the adjacent sea.

Archives 12/06/2023

Views over Pollensa


Who do you think you are?

If you think about it, those of us who live ‘the life’ her in Majorca are a very strange breed indeed.

Frank Leavers11/03/2020 11:20

The Soller Christmas tree

Humans of Majorca

Humans of Majorca at Christmas

The 2019 Humans of Majorca have included stories of local people who have made a difference in their communities.

Shirley Roberts26/12/2019 14:09

The rains and storms in Majorca last week

Frank Talking

It's wet and windy outside - so tonight I'm staying in… again!

It seems that anything socially worthwhile has to commence well after good Christian men and women are in their own beds.

Frank Leavers09/12/2019 09:25


Do we Brits suffer from small town syndrome?

When you decided to migrate south to the Mediterranean, it may not have occurred to you that even your fellow Brits weren’t exactly the same as you were used to at home.

Frank Leavers27/11/2019 10:04

ITV centre in Palma

Out and About

There's always something!!

“A valuable lesson to learn - nothing is generally volunteered here in Majorca. If you don’t know or don’t ask, you could miss out on something that could be terribly important.”

Peter Clover27/11/2019 10:03