Etiqueta 'Majorca Tourists'
Footage of a group of pickpockets robbing tourists in Soller.

Latest headlines

Pickpockets caught on video stealing from tourists in Soller

Tourists are advised to remain vigilant and take precautions to protect their belongings while enjoying the attractions of Soller.

MDB Digital23/06/2024 11:13

The Government will open the debate to residents of the Islands through a web platform where they can leave their initiatives.

The Government will open the debate to residents of the Islands through a web platform where they can leave their initiatives.

The Government will open the debate to residents of the Islands through a web platform where they can leave their initiatives.

MDB Digital 04/06/2024

Latest headlines

Every tourist should know where their eco-tax goes

A system enabling hotel guests to access ongoing projects via a QR code on their hotel card is being discussed.

MDB Digital17/03/2024 10:08

Polls | 12/09/2022 11:44

Did you feel that Mallorca was overcrowded this summer?

1069 votes
560 votes
272 votes
237 votes
Polls | 27/08/2022 10:35

Why do you come on holiday to Mallorca?

615 votes
138 votes
68 votes
56 votes
241 votes
24 votes
88 votes


"We encouraged mass tourism and we got rich....don't moan now"

"The Spanish economy is in trouble, the cost of living continues to rise and I sincerely doubt that many hotels will remain open this winter. It would be absolutely fantastic if Mallorca was relatively empty during the summer months; more space on the beach, no need to reserve a table in a restaurant, quieter roads. Paradise in the Mediterranean. But the truth is that Mallorca lives off tourism and we need busy summers to keep the local economy going."

Jason Moore26/08/2022 11:14

Tourists in Palma in autumn


Chill winds

Britain and Germany are having some major economic woes and this will impact on the Balearics.

Jason Moore05/08/2022 08:00