Mallorca set for a population explosion
Spain is among the European countries with the highest proportion of immigrants, with 17.1% of residents having been born abroad.
Balearics one of the EU regions with the highest foreign population
Approximately four out of every ten (42%) are between 25 and 49 years of age.
Balearics has largest foreign population in Spain
17,952 resident are from the United Kingdom.
Balearics population fell in the first half of 2021
Mallorca's population as of July 1 - 947,309.
"Demographic challenge" in the Balearics needs a state strategy
Overpopulation, the impact on essential services ... matters for urgent action.

People on a street in Palma, Mallorca
A diverse population in Mallorca.
Just over half the Balearic population was born on the islands
"Migration" to Mallorca by the British has increased.
Populations of Mallorca's municipalities keep on growing
There was a fall in population in just two municipalities between 2019 and 2020.

Palma, Mallorca
Palma's registered population increased by over 6,000.
Balearics registered population increases by 22,000
Mallorca's registered population was 912,171 as of January 1, 2020.
Average human pressure has risen almost 500,000 in 20 years
In 2017 there were on average 1,498,230 people per day on the islands; this average was 486,072 more than in 1997.
- Another body found by a Mallorca beach
- As the town hall announces 21 million euros investment, Playa de Palma residents denounce drugs and homelessness
- The growing problem in the Balearics of the illegal marketing of second homes as tourist accommodation
- Sunday weather in Mallorca - Feeling some effect from Storm Jana
- Balearic government plans big increase in tax on cruise ship passengers and even a cash levy on hire cars