Mallorca fire and rescue service
Fire and rescue service was called to incidents in the early hours of Sunday.
Aftermath of the floods in Sant Llorenç, Mallorca in October 2018
Aftermath of flooding in Sant Llorenç in October 2018; 13 people perished, one of whom was in Arta.
Video of rescue from a raging torrent in Mallorca on Monday
Emergency services were alerted around 5am.
A bus tows a van during the floods at the Playa de Palma
A bus tows a van during the floods at the Playa de Palma.
Five years after the tragedy, work to start on Sant Llorenç flood prevention
Vastly greater capacity for dealing with the volume of flow.
Mallorca placed on flood alert
High sea temperatures make flooding the main natural risk in the Balearics.
Advice to stay home as more heavy rain floods Mallorca
Porreres has been particularly badly affected over the past few days.
Flooding in Manacor, Mallorca
Flooding in Manacor last week.
Pre-emergency flood risk plan brought forward to mid-August
A new flood plan, but an admission that there will never be "one hundred per cent" preparation.
Floods in Punta Ballena
Floods in Punta Ballena
Aftermath of the floods in Sant Llorenç, Mallorca in October 2018.
Thirteen people lost their lives as a result of the floods in Mallorca's northeast.
Approval for new flood risk special plan
The revised plan is a response to the disaster and tragedy of Sant Llorenç.
UIB flood study results
Researchers studied the location, characteristics and circumstances of the floods in Majorca.
Rafa Nadal honoured by Sant Llorenç des Cardassar
Sant Llorenç des Cardassar bore the brunt of the disaster which affected around 35,000 people.