Etiqueta 'Mallorca Spring'
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
A high of 26C currently forecast for the start of next week.
Weather forcast for Monday, March 20 2023
Predominantly partly cloudy skies with clouds evolving during the day.
Spring is in the air in the Balearics.
Spring is in the air in the Balearics.
Balearic spring is going to be a warmer one
Winter has been very varied with record highs and heavy snow.
Summer "advancing" five days every decade in Mallorca
The Balearics have registered the first ever heat wave in astronomical spring.
Spring has arrived in Mallorca and so have the allergies
The forecasts are "not great" for allergy sufferers in the Balearics, but conditions will be milder than on the mainland.
Driest winter on record in Mallorca coming to an end
The mud showers will end of Saturday
The mud showers will continue to rain on Mallorca today.
The mud showers will continue to rain on Mallorca today.