Etiqueta 'Mallorca hire cars'
Hire cars

Hire cars

Thousands of hire cars - but there aren't accurate figures.

Reuters 23/05/2024

Illegal hire-car parking lot in Palma, Mallorca

Illegal hire-car parking lot in Palma, Mallorca

One of the parking lots.

Oficina de la Defensora de la Ciudadanía 05/03/2024

Hire cars arriving in Palma, Mallorca

Hire cars arriving in Palma, Mallorca

Hire cars are included in the ports authority's data.

Archive 15/09/2023

Hire-car operator at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Majorca tourism

More hire cars shipped to Mallorca to meet demand

The number of available cars is still way lower than it was in summer 2019.

Andrew Ede02/08/2022 06:44

Hire cars arriving in Mallorca

Hire cars arriving in Mallorca

Minimum one per cent of fleets must be zero emissions.

Jaume Morey 26/06/2022

Shipment of hire cars in Menorca

Shipment of hire cars in Menorca

The total number of hire cars has fallen by some 50,000.

Gemma Andreu 12/06/2022

Shipment of hire cars in Menorca

Latest headlines

Car-hire firms in agreement with limits

The Balearic government's climate change plan contemplates limits on the number of vehicles that can enter each island.

Andrew Ede12/06/2022 07:00

Hire cars being transported in Palma, Mallorca

Hire cars being transported in Palma, Mallorca

An estimated 75,000 hire cars on the islands.

Jaume Morey 27/04/2022

Hire cars in Ibiza

Hire cars in Ibiza

The total fleet is down by some 50,000 vehicles.

Archive 20/10/2021