Etiqueta 'New Year resolutions'
Remember your “why”: The RYS team plan to hold us to our resolutions
"We want to build a community of people who are motivated to enjoy fitness and improve a little day by day."

Sri Lankan children's writing '2021' with firecrackers
Sri Lankan children's writing '2021' with firecrackers.
New Year’s resolutions can be an integral part of building deeper connection with our children, resolving the challenges of 2021 together.
Frank Talking
Is virtue signalling the curse of modern life?
If I see another social media warrior witter-on about her - I’m sorry, it’s usually a her! - Veganuary - (yawn!) - Spamuary (just eat Spam) - Nanuary (dress like your Nan) I will scream.
New year, new man: Aiming to be as fit as a butchers dog!
Gymnasia all across western Europe have started emptying themselves of their brand new clients.
Frank Leavers07/01/2023 19:08