Etiqueta 'Palma electric scooters'
These are the regulations for electric scooters in Palma
Personal Mobility Vehicles (VPM's) can only circulate in three spaces and in specific circumstances.
Hundreds of electric scooter riders fined in Palma
Cyclists have also been caught breaking the traffic rules.

Increasing number of accidents involving electric scooters.
Increasing number of accidents involving electric scooters.
Balearics has highest rate in serious electric scooter accidents
18 people have been killed across Spain.
Electric scooter legislation questioned
The Degree regulations states that VMPs can circulate on pavements as long as they don’t exceed 10 kilometres an hour.

Palma Mallorca police electric scooter control
The police have carried out electric scooter controls.
Demand for Palma town hall to clarify scooters' regulations
The Palma pro-pedestrian group says that scooter regulations are subjective.

Electric scooter in Palma, Mallorca
New regulations now in force for scooters in Palma.
Palma introduces new regulations for electric scooters
Additions to regulations for electric scooters established in July 2019.