Etiqueta 'Plaza Cort'
Batucada (drumming) at Plaza Cort

Batucada (drumming) at Plaza Cort

Batucada (drumming) at Plaza Cort.

J. Morey 20/01/2025

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma

A concert for Sant Sebastian at Plaza Cort.

M.A. CAÑELLAS 19/01/2023

Three Kings in Palma

Three Kings in Palma

This year the Three King's will not be waving from the balcony at the Casal Solleric as previous years.

Miquel A. Cañellas 05/01/2018

Switching on the lights


Reserve your prime spot for the switching-on of Palma Christmas lights

Bulletin organises festive reception at top Palma hotel for the big event in Plaza Cort.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/11/2017 00:00