Etiqueta 'Potholes'
No to a brothel in Barcares
There was a protest last Sunday, when it was revealed that the person whose idea it is to have a brothel has signed a lease with the owner of a chalet.
Crazy paving in Mallorca
Surely pavements and guaranteed safe walking in our towns and villages should be a priority?

State of our roads
A pothole can be seen at this roundabout.
- Balearic government plans big increase in tax on cruise ship passengers and even a cash levy on hire cars
- Another body found by a Mallorca beach
- Heavy rains return to Spain putting country on RED alert
- As the town hall announces 21 million euros investment, Playa de Palma residents denounce drugs and homelessness
- Saturday weather in Mallorca
My Pothole Purgatory
“In certain parts of the town where we live, potholes are so numerous it’s a bit like going on a slalom ski-run...”
Frank Leavers24/02/2023 15:02