What should you do if you come across processionary caterpillars in a public area?
We are currently in the peak season for pine processionary caterpillars.
Processionary caterpillars in Mallorca
A common and very unpleasant pest.
Tree ring traps - the latest tactic against the processionary caterpillar in Mallorca
The traps are new for the Ibanat agency, but they are a well-known method.
Purging the Pine Tree Pest
Each winter, thousands of silky white nests appear in Mallorca’s fragrant pine population. But, instead of inspiring wonder at what’s soon to emerge, they spark fear for the hordes of pine processionary caterpillars about to descend and wreak havoc on daily life – not least our beloved dogs.
Processionary caterpillars already on the march
The caterpillars have already descended from the trees, this usually happens in early March coinciding with the beginning of spring.
Fumigation of processionary caterpillars at Bellver forest
The fumigation will take place at night but there will be no restrictions in the area as it is not toxic.
The fight against the processionary caterpillars begins
Processionary caterpillars can be fatal if the spores are inhaled by dogs or other animals.
Arta pines to be felled because of caterpillar disease
Eight old pine trees have been badly affected by processionary caterpillars.