Etiqueta 'Wild Mallorca'
A Nightingale sang on Mallorca Square


A Nightingale sang on Mallorca Square

Food consists of insects, Spiders, Woodlice, Snails and Earthworms...

Neville James-Davies08/08/2022 12:01

Striped Hawk Moth


Stripes and Streaks

Moths are not particularly palatable to a lot of bird species, but one summer breeder we get here will certainly have a go at eating them, and that is the Mediterranean Flycatcher.

Neville James-Davies18/07/2022 12:41

Painted Lady butterfly


Vanessa and Alexandria

Wandering around Alburcutx Tower, Son Real beach and the Albufereta Marsh all saw good numbers of Painted Lady's with some Brimstones mixed in too.

Neville James-Davies26/06/2022 11:00

Juvenile Crossbill.


Hide and Seek

Crossbills on Mallorca are of the sub-species ‘Balearica’, and in Catalan, they are known as ‘Trencapynions’, or the ‘pine nut cracker’.

Neville James-Davies18/06/2022 09:00



Wild Mallorca: Robusta and the Sand Ploughman

The Albufera is the only place the Marsh Orchid is found on Mallorca, and I know of one spot away from the crowds, where they grow annually and in good numbers.

12/06/2022 10:00

The Hoopoe


Wild Mallorca: King Tereus and Tolpis

The Greek playwright Aristophanes (446-386 BC) states King Tereus was transformed into a Hoopoe by the Gods as punishment for his crimes.

Neville James-Davies29/05/2022 15:53

Cap de Formentor and Cases Velles fields.

Wild Mallorca

Eleanor of Arborea

They are skilful hunters, and will take large insects such as dragonflies, which are transferred from the talons to the beak, all during flight.

Neville James-Davies26/04/2022 13:36

An adult Little Grebe

An adult Little Grebe

An adult Little Grebe.

Neville James-Davies 02/04/2022

Painted Lady.

Painted Lady.

Painted Lady.

Neville James-Davies 14/09/2021