Cops and curfews: Plus - Reading and raining!
Hard to believe I know, but it has been almost exactly one year since this pandemic caused the first lockdown to be instigated.
The reasons why cars are driving me mad!
"I the only person on the island who has had a wing mirror disintegrate whilst in a car wash"
Black or White: playing the system! plus, getting ready for visitors and a brand new supermarket
“When you’ve just paid some unexpected back taxes and then have to listen to someone brag about never having paid a penny of tax - it really does get to you.”
What not to wear in a pandemic - but you will anyway!
Our columnist Frank Leavers gives his thoughts on the strange fashion of these semi-lockdown times.
Vaccine passports: Incoming and Outgoing? Plus - Pollen, smoke and Sand!
If vaccination passports become essential many of us could be kicking our heels here on the island for quite some time in the future...
The Strange and varied side effects of lockdown!
"It is interesting that people do have a very different ‘take’ on what they believe to be the plusses and minuses"
The do's and dont's of a Mallorcan Lockdown; I think!
Our weekly contributor, Frank Leavers, talks about the easing of the current lockdown.
Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? - Well, on an online dating site actually Juliet!
How do people meet up romantically nowadays without someone being arrested for harassment?
We're not going on a summer holiday - still stuck in the UK for a month or two!
This week Frank Leavers talks about the changing nature of tourism and tourists themselves.
Left hanging on the telephone? Holiday hopes and fatboy slim!
Frank Leavers, our Bulletin columnist, tells us about the banks' customer service system and holiday hopes.
Save your kisses for me: post pandemic pouting!
"The sound of mutual facemark inhibiting ‘mmwwhhaa - mmwwhhaa’s’ are everywhere it seems as people look to greet one another in a semi-sensual fashion."
Organising a vaccine in a pandemic: Also - My supermarket shame!
"we as a prime tourism destination can’t point to even a modest vaccination rate here in the Balearics?"
COVID-19: Welcome to the blame game!
If European governments were obliged to tell the truth ,at a guess they would probably admit that the measures introduced in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, were too little and too late.
Beating the boredom blues - Plus, surfing Mallorca style
Our weekly contributor, Frank Leavers, shares what he does in lockdown to stay sane.
An American Presidential inauguration - British Style
This week our columnist Frank Leavers tells us what his thoughts are on the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Fat Shaming.
A nude on a beach in January? plus - a murmuration of starlings and missing hand-sanitisers!
Our Columnist Frank Leavers gives his views about strange things started happening since the semi-lockdown.
The Longest day
"I really feel for those young people who are expected to behave in a restricted way that no other generation has had to endure since the middle of last century."
Gay or Straight, it's called "acting" for a reason!
Frank Leavers shares with us some modern topics that that come with unforeseen circumstances.
Face-mask Follies - plus, silent but deadly bikes and lighting my fire!
Our weekly contributor Frank Leavers shares how he feels about cyclists who ride at full speed on the designated ‘walkway’ and those who don’t even have a mask.
I don't know what all the fuss is about!
This week our columnist Frank Leavers tells us his views on the aftermath of the Harry and Meghan controversy.
Frank Leavers 11/03/2021 15:34