Frank Leavers
Frank Leavers

Frank has been writing a number of different columns for the Bulletin for almost 16 years; in that time he has also worked as a radio and television presenter in Mallorca. He has a background in the press, media, politics and public affairs that goes back to the early 1980’s. Alas, he’s getting grumpier as he gets older!

Sunday Essay

The sporting life!

Because your average modern, professional footballer, is about as interesting as a bucket of cold spit; those whose job it is in the media to keep us interested in the game have to resort to persecuting team managers and coaches to enliven the dull days between dull matches.

Frank Leavers 21/09/2020 15:17

Frank Talking

The worrying world of fashionable eating

These achingly cool places know that they can’t, nor want to compete with the fast-food big-boys, yet are quite willing to charge a small fortune for a bowl of coloured rice, a tasty floret of kale and one sprig of coriander - yum yum!

Frank Leavers 18/09/2020 15:19

Frank Confidential

What about a Majorca staycation? Plus - luxurious larceny!

I have to say that there are some really good deals out there right across the island.

Frank Leavers 16/09/2020 15:18

Sunday Essay

I hate what you say, but will defend your right to say it

While I am at it - when did our universities and other seats of learning start organising ‘No Platform’ bans on those they might, or do - disagree with?

Frank Leavers 14/09/2020 15:26

Frank Talking

Memories are made of this!

It is said that as a person gets older their memory gets increasingly random in focus and content.

Frank Leavers 11/09/2020 13:39

Frank Confidential

Water, water everywhere! Plus - the 'raves' in my valley

I had started to notice that late at night our valley above Andratx town was alive with the sound of music and motorbikes.

Frank Leavers 09/09/2020 15:16

Sunday Essay

Is being tough on Covid-19 denying certain civil liberties?

While the UK government fifed and faffed about for what seemed like ages, agonising over - let’s face it, a very limited lockdown - Spain went into full lockdown mode ... .

Frank Leavers 07/09/2020 15:13

Frank Confidential

How's The Weather with you? Plus - The bog-roll Blues

Is panic buying back once again? I do hope not, but the evidence of my ‘big’ shop over the weekend might suggest that some shoppers are reverting to type.

Frank Leavers 02/09/2020 14:45

Frank Confidential

Majorca and the 'second wave' divide - plus, getting the kids back to school

Rather like the United Kingdom, Spain has got itself in an awful knot over whether and when schools should re-open to pupils and students.

Frank Leavers 26/08/2020 15:04

Frank Talking

A comprehensive list of stupid things men say and do - How annoying are you?

As a man gets older, does he just forget how to be cool - or is it in his DNA to be reduced to little annoying sayings and ‘pat’ phrases?

Frank Leavers 21/08/2020 01:48

Frank Confidential

Mugger alert! Plus, do the self-isolation rules apply to everyone?

Rumours abound, to the effect that if you are rich enough to afford to hire a private jet to Majorca and beyond, you’ve no need to worry about those silly rules that apply to the rest of us.

Frank Leavers 19/08/2020 09:11


Holiday Britain- A rip off, or just commercial common sense?

Earlier in the week a British newspaper was carrying a story regarding what Brits pack when they go on holiday abroad - as if?

Frank Leavers 13/08/2020 01:11

Sunday Essay

If royalty is in trouble, is reform the answer?

Would a newly slimmed down royal family still have Queen Elizabeth’s commitment to the Commonwealth?

Frank Leavers 09/08/2020 00:10


Alejandra Burgos - Buenos Aires to busking and the blues!

Interview with Alejandra Burgos, an incredibly talented woman singer/musician who is based here in Majorca.

Frank Leavers 02/08/2020 00:10

Frank Talking

Thank you for the music - well some of it anyway!

Music is a funny yet wonderful phenomenon. I can’t pretend that I know all about it - and who does anyway?

Frank Leavers 31/07/2020 15:25

Frank Confidential

A Balearic 'buggers muddle' - plus tennis torture and zebra crossings

Every week Frank Leavers our man with the dirty Mac and half empty glass of inexpensive vino is looking at what lies just below the sophisticated gloss of island life. Come on folks; tell our Frank what’s really happening in Majorca.

Frank Leavers 29/07/2020 15:25

Frank Talking

As it hots up - are you still sleeping with the enemy?

Are you sleeping okay? Well, if you’re not you might consider sleeping alone.

Frank Leavers 24/07/2020 14:38


When in Rome…!

Some people find it apparently impossible to comply with some pretty basic rules.

Frank Leavers 24/07/2020 01:05

Frank Confidential

Are People coming or going - Plus what drives you to Distraction?

Every week Frank Leavers our man with the dirty Mac and half empty glass of inexpensive vino is looking at what lies just below the sophisticated gloss of island life

Frank Leavers 22/07/2020 15:02