A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the......!
Today our columnist Frank Leavers tells us what's the key to weight loss.
New Year angst: plus, watching the weather and January japes
Frank Leavers talks about some of the New Year' s resolutions and the weather.
Regrets? I’ve had a few - but too few to mention!
A fascinating survey has recently revealed what the Great British public have regretted most over the course of their lives.
Some random thoughts from a random brain!
Frank Leavers shares with us some of the issues that have vexed him over the past year or so.
Trying to ignore COVID-19 PLUS Brexit and failing miserably!
Today our columnist Frank Leavers tells us what's the reality of Brexit and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Come on, speak properly will you?
A poll had apparently revealed what was currently the sexiest British accent.
What is so wrong about a stiff upper lip?
Today most young people feel lost and adrift in a modern and uncertain age, worried about the tiny problems of the "First World".
The art of putting up Christmas decorations - Plus, the new cintura speed limit
Frank Leavers gives his insight on this year's Christmas decorations and the new speed limits in Palma.
Time for a rethink regarding University Education?
Access to university was considered essential for the development of young people, but today it shows the deficiencies.
Ladies and Gentlemen: unaccustomed as I am to public speaking...!
Frank Leavers gives some basic rules on how to speak in public to avoid being terrified by the experience.
Staying on Covid-19 alert - plus, let's keep it local!
This week our columnist Frank Leavers tells us what his thoughts are on Covid-19 and all its works.
Is Walking becoming the new Rock'n Roll?
Today our columnist Frank Leavers tells us what the reality is on the streets of Mallorca.
Christmas at home this year? Plus - staying in seems to be the new going out!
For some, a Christmas holiday period spent on the island will be something of a novelty as for many it will be a fairly new experience.
Frank Confidential
Scooters told to scarper! Plus - public or private? and our light fantastic
Our weekly contributor Frank Leavers shares how he feels about the electric scooter and asks what happens to the migrants that come to the island shores.
Late night drinking and the big leak
Perhaps a hands-up ‘mea-culpa’ moment might close down the political frenzy, as often an old fashioned, straightforward apology, goes a long way with ordinary folk you know.
Sunday Essay
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the…!
The truth is nobody ever appreciates the way that bad news is relayed to them.
Frank Confidential
Do you check your supermarket receipts? Perhaps you should!
In the three cases I outlined we were overcharged between 90 centimos and the not quite so amusing sum of almost 9 euros!
Frank Talking
So, guys its ‘like’ speaking the Queens English inn'it?
The trouble is however, no matter how much we traditionalists try to hang onto the rhythms and cadences of our beautiful language, some of us are determined that we all sound like a mid-Atlantic version of ourselves.
Frank Confidential
The hills are alive with the sound of... Walking!
One of the benefits of a regular walking regime, is that you can wear really sexy ‘walking-wear’ without feeling a fraud.
Power corrupts - absolute power corrupts absolutely!!
Unfortunately, it seems to be the case nowadays that the concept of ‘democracy’ is becoming a movable-feast.
Frank Leavers 11/01/2021 13:24