Etiqueta 'Brexit'


Carrier strike

“Off the east coast of the United States, Britannia, does rule the waves.”

Jason Moore16/10/2019 09:48

Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott.


UK and Spain want to ensure life continues as normal after Brexit

“The most important steps to take right now in preparation for Brexit is to make sure you are registered and are least in the system.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/10/2019 16:01

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab


Open letter from the Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to UK nationals living in Spain

"No matter the terms of our departure from the EU, you will continue to be able to live and work in Spain."

Dominic Raab11/10/2019 11:51


No deal

“The European Union is largely to blame for the no-deal scenario.”

Jason Moore09/10/2019 09:13

Gloria Guevara


American interest in recruiting Thomas Cook employees

Recruitment would apparently be in other countries, e.g. Spain, and not just the UK.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/10/2019 04:01


No deal

“Britain is desperately trying to get a deal but Brussels is not listening.”

Jason Moore04/10/2019 09:48

British politics

Sunday Politics

When did the cry of - “Order order” become a cue for disorder?

The outgoing Speaker of the House of Commons divides opinion in the House at a number of different levels.

Frank Leavers17/09/2019 11:03


What is the plan Boris?

“Johnson made a promise to deliver Brexit, if he doesn´t he will have to quit.”

Jason Moore14/09/2019 09:52

Brexit meeting


“Protecting the rights of British nationals in the EU is an absolute priority for the UK Government”

They discussed the issues affecting the more than 300,000 British citizens who have made Spain their home.

British Embassy, Madrid10/09/2019 10:18


When times are hard

“When times are hard for Britain it is best to keep a low profile.”

Jason Moore07/09/2019 09:53


Lame duck v. Chicken

“If Corbyn is a chicken then Johson is a lame duck Prime Minister.”

Jason Moore06/09/2019 09:56


21 rebels

“The bully-boy tactis of Boris Johnson thankfully failed and the rebels won.”

Jason Moore05/09/2019 09:55


Brexit cash

“Brexit was meant to save money, it certainly isn´t at the moment.”

Jason Moore04/09/2019 09:49

Dominic Raab, British Foreign Secretary


£3 million grant to help UK nationals in the EU prepare for Brexit

The Government wants to support those who may find it harder to complete all the paperwork.

03/09/2019 10:32



“I fear that Britain will leave the EU but Scotland and Northern Ireland will leave that other great union.”

Jason Moore02/09/2019 10:01

Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor. A bold move, a sad day for democracy

Should not all MP’s then try to deliver the will of the people?

John Bristow31/08/2019 12:05