Etiqueta 'Brexit'


Keeping us informed

“I do not believe that the British government has left us in the dark.”

Jason Moore31/08/2019 09:36

Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


Is it possible to fix our Disunited Kingdom?

I think the most deeply depressing aspect of the continuing turmoil, is the way that Brexit is being debated.

Frank Leavers30/08/2019 09:53


Poll talk

“Spain and Britain could go to the polls at the same time later this year...”

Jason Moore30/08/2019 09:48


Bold move

“Johnson may deliver Brexit but he could be out of Number 10...”

Jason Moore29/08/2019 10:49

Boris Johnson


Johnson plans to restrict parliament time before Brexit

The move limits the amount of parliamentary time available to lawmakers who want to prevent Prime Minister Boris Johnson from leaving the EU without an exit deal.

Reuters28/08/2019 11:06


Brexit down to the wire

“Corbyn has managed to bring together his coalition but is it enough...”

Jason Moore28/08/2019 10:10


Stakes are high

“There have been calls for Spain to close the border with Gibraltar”

Jason Moore21/08/2019 09:45

Anti-Brexit protest


My Column by Donald Trelford

Only the Queen can end a Parliament and she can only do that on the recommendation of her government.

Donald Trelford19/08/2019 09:58


Johnson gamble

Surely Johnson doesn´t believe that he can take Britain out via the back door.

Jason Moore15/08/2019 10:54


Letters to the Editor

A longterm resident responds to Humphrey Carter's Viewpoint.

Michael Everett13/08/2019 11:22


Paying the price of Boris

As Boris Johnson sprints towards a no deal Brexit, he obviously does not care about Britons living in EU countries.

Humphrey Carter12/08/2019 12:20

Sadiq Khan, who was speaking in Palma on Saturday.


"I fear for the rest of the country; no-deal Brexit is no good"

Sadiq Khan voices his concerns about Brexit and the extent to which other policies have been neglected.

Humphrey Carter03/08/2019 17:22


Letters to the Editor

A reader replies to the Editor's viewpoint about "No Deal".

01/08/2019 14:35


Top job for Boris

“Johnson needs to deliver and fast, otherwise, his honeymoon won´t last.”

Jason Moore24/07/2019 09:59

Letters to the editor

Letters to the Editor

Two readers write about the EU anthem and Brexit.

05/07/2019 10:06


Brits abroad

“The British are once again the dominant force in local tourist market...”

Jason Moore03/07/2019 11:31

Tourists in Palma


British tourists dominating the Balearic market this year

More British tourists ar coming on holiday to the Balearics than Germans and that is despite a lower pound and Brexit.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/07/2019 10:41