Etiqueta 'Calvia town hall'
Applications for modernisation grants in Calvia have been disappointing.

Town halls

Only nine Calvia businesses have modernisation grants

Under a third of the 2019 budget for grants to improve shops, etc. has been allocated.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/01/2020 13:58

Animal welfare agents have been out and about, informing owners about the bylaw.


Forty-nine fines for breaching Calvia animal bylaw

High on the list of infringements has been having dogs off the lead in areas where this is not permitted.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/05/2019 18:45

Animal welfare

Calvia taxis given the green light to take pets

Taxis are to be kitted out with harnesses or seat belts for pets.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/05/2019 18:33

Meeting of the Calvia security board on Thursday.


More police for Magalluf this summer

The Guardia Civil are going to have a much stronger presence in the heart of Magalluf.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/05/2019 18:04

Summer night in Calvia

Summer night in Calvia

Summer night in Calvia.

ANNA LISA ELLER 28/04/2019

There was no budget agreement last year in Calvia.

Town halls

Calvia budget approval expected this month

PSOE's minority administration has caused problems with budget-setting.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/02/2019 18:30

There has been considerable investment in Calvia hotels.


Calvia hotel building permission requests down a half

In 2018, the town hall's planning department received seventeen requests for work to be carried out.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/02/2019 18:38

Calvia had 25 councillors after the 2015 election.


Calvia to lose four councillors at the next election

Changes in population mean fewer or, at two town halls, more councillors.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/01/2019 20:22

Madrid funding for Calvia smart tourism project


Madrid funding for Calvia smart tourism project

Calvia is one of 68 places in Spain which form the network of smart tourism destinations.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/10/2018 15:52

More security in Calvia being demanded


More security in Calvia being demanded

Incidents in Magalluf have once more been attracting attention in the British press.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/10/2018 15:02



Magalluf nightlife businesses' "disastrous" summer

While clubs are complaining, British Embassy officials have been meeting Calvia's mayor again.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter20/09/2018 13:56

Mayor Alfonso Rodríguez was handing out the cheques yesterday.


Calvia grants for business modernisation

Calvia town hall has awarded almost 50,000 euros to nineteen establishments.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/08/2018 00:00