Etiqueta 'Gardening in Mallorca'


Gardening in Mallorca just never ends

Our worst enemy here in the Mediterranean is the harsh gale force winds that blow up from time to time.

Dorothy Loeffler21/12/2020 14:45

Mint plant

Mint plant

Mint plant.

Dorothy Loeffler 14/12/2020

Mint plant


Why not in a pot?

Dorothy Loeffler introduces more ideas for easy-to-grow potted plants that can be very useful to have on hand.

Dorothy Loeffler14/12/2020 11:59

Gardening In Majorca: Cactus

Gardening In Majorca: Cactus

Gardening In Majorca: Cactus.

Dorothy Loeffler 03/12/2020

Nispero Flowers


What to do before winter arrives in our garden

What can we do this few sunny hours left in the garden before the winter shows off?

Dorothy Loeffler30/11/2020 13:32

Pride of Madiera / Echium


Getting ready for Christmas

What herb we can cut now in our garden and do you know how to take care of an "air plant"?

Dorothy Loeffler23/11/2020 12:05

Lavender wands made with coloured ribbon


What can we prune in our garden now

A garden isn’t always just hard work out in the garden or collecting vegetables for the kitchen, there are other persuits so be sure to enjoy them all.

Dorothy Loeffler16/11/2020 14:53

Roses in my garden

Roses in my garden

Roses in my garden.

Dorothy Loeffler 09/11/2020

Roses in my garden


Don't cut the roses!

Weekly gardening columnist tells us what to cut now and what can wait.

Dorothy Loeffler09/11/2020 15:17

Spider plant

Gardening in Majorca

Preparing our gardens for winter

Whilst still on the balcony lets make sure there are some ornamental plants that will survive the winter.

Dorothy Loeffler02/11/2020 10:16


Gardening in Majorca

Today, I am thinking today of nasturtiums

Do you have a poinsettia from last year? Do you know how to get the red bracts?

Dorothy Loeffler19/10/2020 11:47