Etiqueta 'Gardening in Mallorca'
Heather and Joe sitting on one of the straw beds in the kitchen garden with the first of the Hugelkultur beds in the background

The Potting Shed

Permaculture: Raised Hugelkultur beds and Hay bale planting

Future plans aside, the current plan is for part of the garden to sustain the families with home grown fruits and vegetables

Caroline Fuller17/10/2020 10:02

Nicky Bowdidge

The Potting Shed

Balcony gardening with Nicky Bowdidge

Nicky has created her kitchen garden, proving that all you need are a few containers and a bit of soil to get going.

Caroline Fuller10/10/2020 10:33

funghi farm


Gardening In Majorca

Geraniums and roses and the like need to be continually dead-headed to keep them tidy and encourage new growth.

Dorothy Loeffler22/09/2020 13:38



Gardening In Majorca

The month of September can be a really busy time of the year here in this climate, warm rains and still long sunny days still encourage growth.

Dorothy Loeffler14/09/2020 13:16


Gardening In Majorca

We occasionally refer to old sayings as were used by farmers and gardeners of times past which frequently pointed to something quite obvious.

Dorothy Loeffler07/09/2020 15:30

Mallorca Tomatoes


Gardening In Majorca

I have surprisingly been receiving enquiries about the Christmas flower, the Poinsettia.

Dorothy Loeffler31/08/2020 13:16

Gardening In Majorca


Gardening In Majorca

Dont forget to water the compost heap occasionally, that will help the decomposition through the summer.

Dorothy Loeffler04/08/2020 02:17



Gardening in Majorca

Remember all leaves do fall at some time or other.

Dorothy Loeffler13/07/2020 01:32



Gardening In Majorca

Cut out the long and straggly bits on the Osteospermums (black eyed susan), you will find all the length of the stem has new little shoots, cut back within these and the plant will fill out again.

Dorothy Loeffler08/06/2020 16:38

Hydrangeas are known as Hortensias in Spanish.


Gardening In Majorca

The truth of the matter lies in the composition of the soil so to make a Hydrangea happy we must provide it with all it wants and that means starting from the bottom or simply put, the soil it prefers.

Dorothy Loeffler25/05/2020 13:02

Planting melons.


Gardening In Majorca

May really is an active month in the garden with all those peas and broad beans ready for harvesting as well as sowing seeds and transplanting those seedlings that are large enough to handle.

Dorothy Loeffler18/05/2020 14:48

(All from the garden and hens) lunch.

The Good Life

Healthy Happy Gardeners

With health services recommending increased intake of fruit and vegetables what better way to do this than to grow your own especially here when we are blessed with such fantastic weather.

Caroline Fuller16/05/2020 00:07

Mission complete..Mrs Bumble

The Good Life

Time Stealer

I had followed this little lady around the garden waiting for my opportunity which finally arrived when she settled in a flower right in front of me, so Mrs Bumblebee welcome to my photo archives

Caroline Fuller12/05/2020 04:01

A little chore this month is to really look after the grape vine.


Gardening In Majorca

Gardening in Majorca really is just that little bit different to gardens in a northern climate. Here we have a growing season nearly all year round.

Dorothy Loeffler11/05/2020 13:17

Almond tree.


Gardening In Majorca

During the period of the waxing moon, we are told it is time to graft some fruit trees like plums, peaches and almonds, that is to say, those trees that have fruit with large stones as opposed to pips.

Dorothy Loeffler04/05/2020 12:35

A sage planted with tomatoes and carrots

The Good Life

Just checking

Caught in the act again, I am digging through some of the seed pots to see if I can see any signs of life.

Caroline Fuller28/04/2020 09:13

Weeping Willow tree


Gardening in Majorca

This willow has attracted the mushroom spore and frequently has a lovely crop of mushrooms growing out of the bark on the trunk.

Dorothy Loeffler27/04/2020 11:16

Digging one of four holes for the experiment

The Good Life

After the rain

The bugs and grubs wriggle through the plants and grasses and I resume my war with slugs and snails.

Caroline Fuller25/04/2020 09:17

Orange tree


Gardening in Majorca

Most of the orange and some varieties of lemon will have already ripened and been picked with abundant flower already on the trees.

Dorothy Loeffler20/04/2020 10:56


The Good Life


It being the first year it takes time to get to know a new garden; I shall not make the same mistake twice.

Caroline Fuller18/04/2020 10:24