Etiqueta 'Majorca'
Heightened National Police presence last week.

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Security, all-inclusives, saturation: the week in Majorca

The attacks in Brussels led to concerns about security in Majorca, the tourist tax was approved and all-inclusives became the target for tourism ministry inspections. These and more in the Majorca Daily Bulletin last week.

Monitor27/03/2016 00:00

Public asked to help fight tax fraud.


Tax agency launches email anti-fraud system

Anyone making a report of which he or she has evidence of possible fraud is assured that this can be done confidentially.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/03/2016 00:00

British tourists pay 400,000 euros for lost passports


British tourists pay 400,000 euros for lost passports

As part of an overall safety campaign, the British Consulate is drawing attention to the impact of the loss of passports.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/03/2016 00:00

Biel Barceló left. Mayor March on the right.


31 million euros being invested in Majorca's resorts

The investment is coming from the "bolsa" fund created with revenue for legalising hotel places that needed legalising.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/03/2016 00:00

The protest that took place in Son Serra in January.


New protest against Son Serra beach facilities

This latest protest is in response to a revised project that has been drawn up by Santa Margalida town hall, the previous one having been rejected by the Council of Majorca.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter25/03/2016 00:00

Thousands witness Blood of Christ procession

Fairs and Fiestas

Thousands witness Blood of Christ procession

Today, Majorca will stage numerous other processions and displays of religious "theatre".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter25/03/2016 00:00

National Police control at Palma's Intermodal Station.


Union attacks the "alarming" absence of police in the Balearics

Though the union is expressing concerns about police strength, it was stepped up today at key transport points in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/03/2016 00:00

Busiest and longest tourist season in decades starts this weekend


Busiest and longest tourist season in decades starts this weekend

Come 1 May, 100 per cent of hotels will be open. Moreover, there will be no post-Easter slump in business this year.

Humphrey Carter23/03/2016 00:00

There are exhibitions below deck on the ship.

Northern News Spotlight

Magellan ship to visit Alcudia

The ship will be visiting the port of Alcudia, its only stop in the Balearics, on 30 March. It will stay until 3 April.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/03/2016 00:00

A mild spring forecast for pollen allergies in the Balearics


A mild spring forecast for pollen allergies in the Balearics

The sources of allergies are predominantly various grasses, olive trees, cypress trees, saltwort, plane trees and pellitory plants.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/03/2016 00:00

Postman Patricio and The Old Bill: the week in Majorca

Latest headlines

Postman Patricio and The Old Bill: the week in Majorca

Amidst attempts at securing referendum votes for the British diaspora, a "hodge-podge" of a tax and Easter bookings, there were concerns about postal deliveries and talk of the return of the summertime British bobbies.

Monitor20/03/2016 00:00

Majorca tourist industry near saturation point


Majorca tourist industry near saturation point

Trade analysts GfK have warned that families who delay booking their summer holiday could be priced out of the market to Spain and other destinations perceived as “safe”.

Humphrey Carter19/03/2016 00:00

An earlier start to the season this year.


Half of Majorca’s hotels are already open

This level of hotel opening activity is occurring almost a month earlier than in previous years.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/03/2016 00:00

The British Ambassador met tourism authorities during the Bulletin breakfast on Tuesday.


Majorca's politicians want greater foreign resident integration

The Council of Majorca’s Cosme Bonet expressed his desire to see British expatriates integrate with the local community more and all parties around the table agreed.

Humphrey Carter16/03/2016 00:00

British ambassador meets Balearic tourism authorities


British ambassador meets Balearic tourism authorities

The British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, met representatives of the island's tourism, including the vice-president of the Balearics and minister for tourism, Biel Barcelo.

Humphrey Carter15/03/2016 00:00

Snow on the road between the Cuber reservoir and Soller.


Snow comes to Majorca's mountains

The snow fell down to 800 metres, as Majorca was on the receiving end of heavy rain and hailstorms.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter10/03/2016 00:00

The Balearic president, Francina Armengol and minister for tourism, Biel Barcelo, centre, with copies of our sister newspaper Ultima Hora which was printed in Berlin overnight. Our German colleagues at Mallorca Magazin produced a bumper extra.


Berlin fair confirms record summer for Majorca

German tour operators are expressing concern about the tourist tax and what it will be spent on.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/03/2016 00:00


Majorca on alert for heavy rain this Wednesday

The Aemet national meteorology agency has issued a yellow alert for rainfall.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/03/2016 00:00

Traffic lights in support of equality.


Balearic parliament backs stronger equality measures

The statement went on to say that a critical point has been reached in respect of gender equality.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/03/2016 00:00