Etiqueta 'Mallorca graffiti'
16,000 euros demand for Palma graffiti
The graffiti was on a wall at the Soller Train station.
Palma is dirty, abandoned and full of graffiti!
Recuperem claims that the new General Urban Planning Plan is contrary to local trade in Palma city centre and other neighbourhoods.

The authorities never seem to want to do anything
the authorities never seem to want to do anything.
Clean up Mallorca
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, get rid of the wave of graffiti.
Palma’s graffiti shame
"Having lived in Palma for 25 years I have never seen so much graffiti.."
Graffiti Artist arrested
Last year Majorca forked out more than 680,000 euros for cleaning and repairs caused by Graffiti Artists.
Confidential: Graffiti: isn't it about time something was done about it? Plus - Mask-less tourists!
Frank Leavers' views on the problem-solving skills of the police and preening local politicians.
Frank Leavers02/06/2021 11:56